Monday, September 22, 2008

Ministry Updates -JIL BC Events

The past two weeks were filled with important events. Let me share them....

JIL Victoria had their 9th anniversary celebration. It was an excellent time to showcase what God has done in the past 9 years. Seeing the people who were there since the start and still serving faithfully provides great encouragement to all of us. I fully remember how we travel weekly to Victoria in those early pioneering years to provide guidance and leadership. Well, looking at them now, it was all worth it. Congratulations to JIL Victoria for reaching this far. Be ready for more!!!!

Last Saturday afternoon, JIL Richmond celebrated their 10th anniversary. A decade of God’s faithfulness was declared to all who witnessed the celebration. The whole leadership was excited and brimming with joy as the celebration began. It was a simple celebration filled with exuberant atmosphere that showcased JIL Richmond’s desire to live God’s life. One of the highlight was the Kiddoz presentation of “Livin’ Inside Out.” Everyone was delighted to watch how these young kids shared through song and dance God’s principle of living a Christian life victoriously. High five to the JIL Kiddoz for an excellent job. Thumbs up to JIL Richmond leaders and workers for a job well done.

Finally, JIL Seattle had their quarterly Prayer and Healing Service yesterday. A special time of prayer was done to those who came to the front. The Lord honored the gathering and I believe that it was a great opportunity to plant God’s seed to the first-timers who came to attend the service. Thanks to the JIL Music Ministers from JIL Burnaby, Surrey Fleetwood, Newton and North Vancouver for their support. JIL Seattle leaders and workers have done an excellent job as well. Keep it up!!!!!

Until next time...

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