Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Body of Christ Prayer Activity


It was Dec. 6, 2008, the day of prayer for the Olympics 2010, the Prayer of "More Gold Today" Prayer Focus.

Under the rainy, cold morning of Dec. 6, 2008, faithful and never be shaken workers of the Lord in different churches of lower mainland, come together in front of PNE entrance where the two brothers statue standing.
We were led by Ptr. David of Mission Fest with his team, intoduced each other, welcome one another with warmth and feeling of belongingness.

The JIL BC was a part of the big event wherein members of our prayer Warriors were present from Fleetwood, Richmond, Vancouver 1 and myself.

The Lord did an amazing manifestation. Some saw vision, shared the vision to the crowd, praying and praising God for we believe He was with us throughout the time. God touches our team, and never be at the last but opened each mouth to pray vocally, individually without thinking the accent of our English. God put words in our mouth to speak.

A loud sound of the horn was blown in every place where our foot tread upon and such a previlege to be part of what God has done. There was unity in the spirit for the Body of Christ especially when we do God's will.

But this is not the end but just a beginning, that is why we are encouraging each one to join with us in moment like this. You will be a part of it. I thank God to everyone who joined with us on that day, may the Lord reward your doings and please pass it on. God bless.

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