by Pastor Bong Gonzales
Matthew 16:15-19
15 "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"
16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
17 Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
The knowledge of who the Lord Jesus Christ is, not by the decision of the majority, nor in the level of human intellect! It is a revelation of God the Father to the person to whom it is given.
That’s why as Christians, we should not be offended on why others are saying who Jesus is opposes the word of God. For as in the days of Jesus in the human flesh, many already struggled to know who really he is. But only as the Father reveal Him, then and only then the truth of His person is known to the recipient of who Jesus is.
For God is beyond mans understanding!
The true knowledge of Him as the Christ is just the beginning of a worthy journey. That’s why those who were before us willfully gave their lives for Him when required. Jesus is the greatest knowledge to know, greatest treasure to be found, greatest friend to find and greatest saviour to serve!
That’s why even St. Paul was willing and had counted everything a dung just to know Jesus.
Every followers of Jesus must have the same passion and heart after they have known Jesus as Lord and saviour. He is more than just answering our prayer, more than a healer, a deliverer! He is the Lord God, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit!
We who have the revelation of Him must cherish and be humbled in the grace received from Him.
May we always worship and honor Him as He is!
God bless!
Till next time!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
An Invitation
The Lord said in Isaiah 54:2-3a, “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left”... and in Ezekiel 37:26, He said, I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant. I will establish them and increase their numbers, and I will put my sanctuary among them forever.
To God be all the glory, honor and praise as the JIL Scarborough Church will be launching the Saturday Evening Worship Service on March 14, 2009, designated as JIL Scarborough 3. You are all invited to join us in this memorable celebration of God’s everlasting covenant to His people as evidenced by His transcendent love, faithfulness and grace that have no end.
Time is 6:00 – 8:00 o’clock in the evening and it will be held at 4500 Sheppard Avenue, Unit 40, Scarborough, Ontario(between Brimley and McCowan).
Come and be blessed as all peoples worship His Majesty King Jesus, the God of this city.
To God be all the glory, honor and praise as the JIL Scarborough Church will be launching the Saturday Evening Worship Service on March 14, 2009, designated as JIL Scarborough 3. You are all invited to join us in this memorable celebration of God’s everlasting covenant to His people as evidenced by His transcendent love, faithfulness and grace that have no end.
Time is 6:00 – 8:00 o’clock in the evening and it will be held at 4500 Sheppard Avenue, Unit 40, Scarborough, Ontario(between Brimley and McCowan).
Come and be blessed as all peoples worship His Majesty King Jesus, the God of this city.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Single's Gala

Roughly about three hours ago, the JIL Y-AM Singles Gala had concluded with a loud bang. The night was indeed very special. Everyone came in with their own friends but came out with new ones. Y-Am singles from all over the JIL churches and outreached in BC had their first ever conglomeration at Radisson Hotel in Richmond.
The night was led by Masters of Ceremony, the husband and wife tandem of Sam and Jovi Binalla (who by the way not only did a spectacular job in mc'ng but also manufactured the programme for the night). We started off with รค parade by the registrants of which photos were taken. (The photos were used for "Mr. and Ms. Gala of the Night"). Pastor Raymund of JIL Outreaches opened the night with an appropriate prayer. Everyone was then welcomed by Jayson P. of Fleetwood who focused on the joy of singleness. Followed by a game called "Never say no" (collect as many bracelets as you can by making the other person say no to your question). This game was actually held through out the night. (The winner, by the way, was Jezreel of Surrey Newton.)

Then came the food (of which yours truly said grace); a mixture of vegetables, potatoes, baked salmon, and a lot of meat. I know they have names but I don't know any of them. All I know is that they were all scrumptious. As we were dining, everyone was serenaded by 3 very talented vocalists namely, Blessie L. of Newton, Robert C. of Burnaby and Eric M (with Barry B.) of Vancouver.
Another gage was employed by the MC to make certain that everyone leaves with at least one new friend. This time it was to find a person that rightly fits the description written on a piece of paper. There were at least 12 descriptions that must be satisfied. Suffice to say everyone had an interaction with at least 12 people. I believe, Robert of Burnaby garnered the prize for this one.

After a loud cheer from the crowd, the dance floor was open in search of the Gala's Dancing King and Dancing Queen. Several contenders were chosen but after a careful examination of the claps of the crowed, Eric M. of Vancouver and Mimi P. of Fleetwood took home the respective sashes. And one of the highlights of the night, was a brand new competition in any gala event that I have attended (at least for me): The Videoke Singing Contest. Thunderous roars echoed throughout the corridors of the hotel as representatives from each table were called out. (The Hotel Event Manager had to close the doors to our section.) After the dusts settled three finalist emerged, Sally B. of Burnaby (3rd), Ramon D. of Newton (2nd) and Mirasol P. of Vancouver 2 (1st).
Special awards were also given out. Mr. and Ms. Congeniality were handed to Marco S. of Vancouver and Gi L. of Fleetwood. Mr. and Ms. Gala of the night (remember the pictures?) went to Barry B. of Newton and Jaisa L. of Vancouver. And the most awaited award of the evening, "The most likely Couple of the Night", where in a gentleman and a lady were voted by the Y-Am Singles to be the most likely couple of the evening (kilig factor inserted), went to - drum roll please - ... on the other hand, just ask someone who had their March 7, 2009 marked with joy, laughter and memories that will last a lifetime.

If you are Y-Am single and missed this one extremely fun night, try not to miss out next year ok?
A special shout out goes to the technical dudes, namely Edmond for the sound system and Eric Mangao for them photos. To Jezreel and Gi for them sashes. God bless your hearts. And to everyone who made the said event possible, you know who you are.
JIL BC Prayer Gathering

I hope that next time; you will not miss this gathering of all JIL people from different churches every 1st Friday of the month. Make time to attend even the prayer gathering where you are as well. It is well worth your time to spend it with our Father and His people. The effects are tremendous and being felt already in lives of God’s people.
Remember that there are three major events that we take part every week – Sunday Service, cell group and prayer gathering. Every time we come together in any of these events something marvellous happens. That is why I urge you not to miss any of these events that will surelly boost your spiritual growth and development. Your faith will experience a new surge of increase when you are joined with God’s people during these activities.
Just ask anyone who came already and they will tell you that it was all worth it. And for those who came already, let us encourage others to come and be with us as we do it together as one family of God in JIL Church.
Until next time....God bless us all!
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